Your Communication Guides

Yvette Simmons-Payne


Lives: Bulverde, TX

Favorite Quote: Failure is not an option.

Favorite Website: Nascar.com

Hobbies: Traveling, Helping others

Your communication guides are Yvette Simmons-Payne and Kevin Payne. Yvette brings 30 years of corporate experience and entrepreneurial prowess that began in the fifth grade. Because Yvette made her way through nearly every business role over the course of her career, she relates to many. Therefore, whether it involves management or marketing, accounting or customer service, she thrives. Naturally, Yvette flourishes in face-to-face interaction with clients as opposed to sitting behind a desk. She is happy to count herself as one of your communication guides.
Impressively, she created new departments from scratch, and she led them to self-sufficiency. Additionally, she prevented endangered branches from closing and stepped in to successfully ramp up sales. So, she often found herself in roles of leadership and mentoring.
Yvette first learned about the B.A.N.K. methodology through one-on-one training with Cheri Tree. Because Cheri is the founder and developer of B.A.N.K. she was an authority on effective communication strategy. Therefore, Yvette couldn’t wait to pass on the information. Subsequently, she now lives out her passion for helping others reach their goals. Yvette discovered her own code and learned how to code others. As a result, her business, interpersonal relationships, and even marriage took on an entirely new life. With “Nurturing” as her primary code, she’s naturally adept at helping to grow relationships. She masters problem solving and equips others with the tools they need to succeed.


Your Communication Guides

Kevin PyaneMY CODE: BAKN

Lives: Bulverde, TX

Favorite Quote: Proper planning prevents painfully poor performance.

Favorite Website: Nascar.com

Hobbies: Traveling, building/fabricating

Your communication guide: Kevin Payne. Kevin is a project manager with more than three decades of experience in the construction business. Because he started as a laborer at 16 years old, he’s worked his way up through every aspect of the industry. Therefore, he oversaw a wide variety of both commercial and residential construction projects. And, as the recipient of the Top Superintendent and Project Manager in Florida, Kevin’s high-quality service and efficient completion timeline were coveted.
Known as a “chameleon” among coworkers, Kevin traditionally thrived as an effective communicator who navigated any difficult situation with impressive agility. However, when asked to teach to others he didn’t quite know-how.
However, one day he and Yvette discovered the B.A.N.K. methodology. As a result of direct training with Cheri Tree, he soon realized this simple system encompassed so many of the people skills he’s tried to pass on to employees and coworkers over the years. With “Blueprint” as his primary code, Kevin is naturally skilled at coordinating many moving parts, developing a plan from start to finish, and training others. His passion is creating something new out of nothing, and always improving the world where he can.

Jordon Adler & Yvette Simmons-Payne
Kevin Payne, Arvee Robinson, and Yvette Simmons-Payne